Will you join us and send an email directly to Andrew Will, Chief Operating Officer of the SHA, demanding the SHA implement a Park & Ride Shuttle serving the three acute care facilities in Saskatoon by fall 2023?

Healthcare workers deserve safe parking. The lack of on site parking means that frontline care workers are forced to walk long distances before and after each shift. In winter months, this means extreme temperatures, the inability to plug cars in, and an increased risk of fall and injury on icy streets; during summer months workers encounter more intoxicated people in parks and on trails between their car and their job. Our city is full of potential locations for a Park & Ride Shuttle, we just need the employer to take action and make this a priority.

If you’ve worked at any of these facilities, you have a co-worker who may have been followed late at night, who may have faced verbal harassment walking through the park or was even assaulted. Sadly these incidents are far too common, but there is a way to make it safer. Complete the form to the right to send an email to Andrew Will and tell him that this important issue deserves his attention. We’ll make sure that Scott Moe and Paul Merriman receive your message too.

We can keep one another safe by walking in pairs, but we can also keep one another safe by raising our voices and demanding change.

Will you sign?

Dear Mr. Will,

I am writing to you today to express my concern that workers at Saskatoon’s three acute care facilities do not have safe, accessible, onsite parking available to them when they go to work. Staff members routinely face fears of assault and harassment as they are forced to park in residential areas and walk distances of up to 20 minutes to get to work. Their fears are well founded, with assaults and harassment becoming a common occurrence.

Healthcare workers have been the backbone of this province through an unprecedented global pandemic. They are routinely working short staffed and picking up additional shifts to meet the needs of the patients and residents that they care for. It is unthinkable that after working a 12-hour shift, they are forced to walk 20 minutes on dark streets without sidewalks because they are unable to park at their workplace.

We are asking for a cohesive parking solution that prioritizes worker safety. Each of these facilities requires the construction or expansion of suitable onsite parking structures. Until a time that the structures can be built, we are requesting your urgent assistance to implement a Park & Ride shuttle service for the employees who work at Saskatoon City Hospital or St. Paul’s Hospital.

This is an urgent need and is long overdue. Will you commit to implementing a Park & Ride shuttle program for these 2 facilities as soon as possible?


463 signatures

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