Click here to download a printable PDF version of Bargaining Bulletin No. 2

Date: July 20, 2022
Location: Saskatoon

Greetings Sisters and Brothers,

The results of the July 7 vote are in: you have said no to the Employer’s most recent proposal, by an overwhelming majority. Thank you for participating in the vote and the information meetings. Thanks also for taking time to read and provide feedback on the information provided by SEIU-West and the Employer. You have a right to see what both sides have to say, and your feedback and the vote result have provided us and the Employer with valuable direction.

We met with the Employer on July 13 and 14. We informed the Employer that we planned to present them with a proposal to resolve bargaining based on what we heard from you in the form of the vote and all the other consultations. We carefully went through everything both sides have presented so far, with the goal of whittling it all down till our proposal had only what’s absolutely needed for the two sides to agree and for it to lead to a deal that you will be able to vote for and that will work as the starting point for this workplace.

We made some hard choices. For example, we decided to give up on some extra paid leaves we started with. We also included some Employer language we don’t like but that we can live with for now. We presented our proposal to the Employer, noting the concessions we made and insisting that the concessions we asked the Employer to make are reasonable.
Although the Employer didn’t immediately accept our proposal, they didn’t immediately reject it either. They said they needed time to consider it before responding, for a lot of reasons not least being that it’s a pretty considerable step for the them as well as us. This means that we are still bargaining. We have made it as clear as we can to them that we can’t change our proposal much without hitting an impasse in bargaining.

We are confident that our latest proposal is good enough for us to recommend it to you. We are hopeful the Employer will work with us in the spirit we have outlined above.

Summer vacation season will interrupt bargaining for the next few weeks. We are next scheduled to meet on September 7 and 8 but we and the Employer have promised each other to exchange any information in the meantime that could help to move things forward. We will keep you posted and provide further updates as soon as we have them. As always, if you have questions or concerns about bargaining don’t hesitate to forward them to the committee members or to the Member Resource Centre.

Thanks again for your patience and your participation and support.

Your SEIU-West Spruce Manor Special Care Home Bargaining Committee:

Brenda Morrison (Unit Chair) • Mildred Braun (Unit Communicator) • Brenda Soiseth (Unit Vice Chair) • Staff: Cam McConnell (Northern Negotiations Officer) • Tracy Goodheart (Union Representative)

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